We hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Fall is right around the corner, so get ready to bring out the coats and boats : ) Today our idiom is corner the market. This means to dominate a market or business. Example 1 The new bakery's delicious bread helped it corner the market in the neighborhood, with everyone choosing it over other shops. Example 2 The company lowered its prices and quickly cornered the market on smartphones, leaving its competitors behind.
In our blog today we are going to use the phrasal verb "putting in". There are many meanings, but today we will focus on the meaning of investing time into something. Example 1 We have been putting in so much overtime this week. Example 2 Have you put in any overtime this week?
We hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Here is another important phrasal verb to use in business situations. Catch Up. This means that you are behind in your work for example. Example 1 I just got back from a two week holiday. Now I need to catch up on my emails. Example 2 I had to get caught up at work because I took a two week vacation.
Hello everyone, We hope you are well. Busy season has begun again, and today we will have a look at a phrasal verb used in business situations. "called in" This means asked to do something. Example 1 I was called in to the office by my boss. It was my day off, but it was really important, so I had to go in. Example 2 Call Julie in. I have some work for her.
Hello to everyone studying English. Today our idiom is to clamp down on. This means to take strong action. Example 1 The company clamped down on cell phone usage because too many secrets were being leaked. Example 2 I have to clamp down on my spending because I don't have any savings.
Welcome back to PCL blog for 2024. We trust everyone had a nice holiday. Today's first idiom of the year is cut a deal. This means to reach an agreement. Example 1 We cut a deal with the new vendor. We got a great deal. Example 2 Her agent cut a deal where she gets 60% of the profits.
We are almost at year end. We hope 2023 was good to you. Here is our idiom for today, off the top of your head. This means from your memory and without much thought. Example 1 Off the top of your head, who would you say has been the most influential leader in 2023. Example 2 Off the top of your head, what country will have the highest GDP this year.
Hello everyone, it's been such a beautiful day here in Tokyo. Our idiom for today is way off the mark. This means completely wrong. Example 1 Our year end projections were way off the mark. Example 2 My boss was way off the mark in regards to the latest trend.
It's such a beautiful day here in Tokyo. We hope you are enjoying it! Our idiom for today is up in the air. This means something is still not decided. Example 1 I haven't heard from that company since I took the interview. Everything must still be up in the air. Example 2 Everything is still up in the air in regards to my trip to Singapore. But I have to make a decision soon.
Hello everyone, we hope you are enjoying speaking English. Our idiom for today is "throw in the towel". This means to admit defeat. Example 1 It looks like we didn't get the contract. I guess we will have to throw in the towel and look for other leads. Example 2 After struggling for years the company finally threw in the towel.


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